Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Welcome to the Ainsworth abode

I was long resistant to joining the world o' bloggers. The name "blog" alone was pretty much enough to turn me off. I mean, it sounds like some kind of onomatopoeia for an unpleasant bodily function. But alas, I have been convinced of the benefit of blogging, both for the working out of my thoughts as well as for keeping long-distance friends and family in-the-know.

My hope for this blog then is to do just those things (mentioned above), while at the same time promoting the name of my Lord Jesus Christ and bringing glory to Him. I pray that this blog will edify and encourage you, the reader, and I welcome contributions, correction and comments (and alliteration).


Anonymous said...

wooooooooo hoooooooooo. both the ainsworths in the blogosphere. Nice.

The Santos Family said...

Great to see you've joined the world of blogging. Here's the test: can you blog for 6 months without lapsing? :) hehe Serously, I was also excited (and humbled) to see that you added my "Titus 2 In Training" blog to your list of links. Thanks. That was very encouraging to me!

To answre your question, Hannah is still sick but getting better and God has granted me great grace. There must be a lot of prayers going up for me! ;)

Maggie Ainsworth said...


I was eager to add your blog to my list. I have been encouraged by reading your posts over the past few months and hope to likewise be an encouragement to others in my own blogging.

In answer to your question, I'm sure I will fail the blogging test miserably!