Friday, November 14, 2008

We're Having a....


We had the privilege of seeing our sweet baby boy today on the ultrasound screen, and it was indeed a blessing. He weighs about 9 oz. now and seems to be very healthy. He was moving around the whole time and we even caught him sucking his little thumb!

We are very thankful for our son...and now begins the difficult task of naming him...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Floyd Street Halloween Party

Here are some pictures for the viewing pleasure of those of you who couldn't make it to the Ainsworth/Perrine Floyd Street Halloween Party. Enjoy!

Our first marital Jack-O-Lantern. We had a little help from our neighbors and their pumpkin carving kit, but I was pretty pleased with our effort nevertheless.

Matt and Glenna as Al and Peg Bundy (from Married with Children). They were a pretty believable pair.

Dave and me ca. 2058. I think we're pretty good looking for being in our mid-70s.