Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Job

I have a new job. Well, sort of.

As of last Tuesday, I accepted a new job on Southern Seminary's campus. I will no longer be working as Student Life Secretary for Boyce College, but will instead be the Secretary to the Senior Associate Dean of the School of Theology. It's quite a long title, although I assure you that length does not translate into importance.

I will officially make the switch to the new job early next week as I wrap up things at Boyce and finish training my replacement. The Lord was so gracious to provide a replacement for me within a matter of days, and she is going to do a wonderful job. God knew what both of these offices needed and He provided for them both perfectly.

The decision for me to accept this new position was not an easy one. I have loved my time at Boyce, getting to know my co-workers and the students, and enjoying the variety the job offered. I learned new skills, made new friends, and never once dreaded going to work. This job was a gift from the Lord.

With that said, I trust that this new job is also a gift from the Lord. To remind myself of this gift and thank God specifically, I have listed (below) just a few of the good things about this job...

1. Financial Provision

Just a few days before I was offered this new position, Dave prayed that the Lord would continue to provide for us financially and meet all of our upcoming financial needs. And this is just what He did!
Sometimes it's easier to attribute God's financial provision to those one-time, surprise gifts in the form of a check from Grandma or the IRS, but God also provides (and probably more often) through employment. That is what He did this time, and we can thank Him for it. He knows our needs and is faithful to provide for them.

2. Location

Even though I am only "up the hill" from my old job, this means that Dave can easily visit me while he is on campus for class. This might seem minor, but in the heat of summer and the freezing cold of winter Dave won't have to trek outside to visit me, as he did while I was in my previous job. So, really, Dave will be the primary beneficiary of this perk of the job!

3. New Relationships

A new job provides opportunities to make new relationships. I am thankful for this, and pray that I will be faithful to pursue these relationships as well as maintain existing ones formed while in my old job.

I am so thankful for this new job and the Lord's provision of it. Praise Him, who is the giver of good gifts! Now...may I be equally thankful on Monday when I am humbled by all that I have to learn to do my new job well!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I think I will also get to benefit from #2! I am so glad that I can just stop in to say hi!!